Pastor Joey in Romania 2023
Pastor Joey became a follower of Christ in May 2000 while attending our sister church Hope Baptist. He was licensed into the gospel ministry in 2005 and ordained in 2006. Pastor Joey served as a Youth Minister in three different churches and served as Pastor at two churches before coming to Cornerstone. Pastor Joey graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree in Religion from Liberty University in December 2020. He graduated with his Master of Theological Studies from MidWestern Theological Seminary in December 2022.
Pastor Joey has been married to his wife Vicki (Hutto) since January 10, 2004. They have three children (Maddox, Courtney and Benjamin) and you will hear him use his family during sermons that will help you relate real life experiences to the Scriptures being taught. The Pastor desires to model Christianity by sharing how Christ is working in his life daily.
Our Pastor is a Bi-Vocational Minister and works for the United States Postal Service as a Rural Route Carrier. If you travel into nearby Keystone Heights you might see him on the side of the road delivering mail! He has been employed for the Post Office since November 1999.